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Just thinking about going through a tooth extraction can be a stressful experience. If this is your first time having dental issues, then
Do you have crooked teeth but don’t want the hassle of getting braces? Then you should think about getting Invisalign! But what are
Have you ever heard of all-on-4 implants? Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and provide a fixed solution to
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an aggressive condition that affects thousands of adults in the US. It first begins with
There are many ways that you can prevent getting periodontitis, also known as periodontal disease. If you take the proper precautions like, flossing
Losing teeth is a common phenomenon. After all, they face extensive wear and tear throughout the years. But while the situation is
Do you often find yourself hiding your smile due to missing teeth? Missing teeth are one of the greatest causes of people
While there are many advanced dental procedures for resolving dental issues, it’s always best to prevent the problem. This can be done
Negative dental experiences can lead to dental anxiety with people, especially children. When talking to your children, avoid dental terms that may
Many people take simple functions such as biting and chewing for granted. However, when you have missing teeth, you’ll realize just how
This question may seem basic, but is really important: What can you do to maintain your oral health? Other than complex dental
Sleep apnea is an issue more common than people think so. People with sleep apnea have their airway blocked while sleeping, making