Fixed Implant-Supported Dentures
We invite you to consider upgrading your dentures by permanently securing them in place with the All-on-4 Implant Treatment system. Quickly and easily, we can provide our edentulous patients, including patients who have been missing teeth for years and patients who are new to missing all of their teeth, with an efficient and effective restoration. At Calfornia Dental Care, we can help even our more medically sensitive patients get a stabilized denture using a minimum of four; some may require up to six dental implants.
Sometimes referred to as an Immediate loaded full-arch Prosthesis, the All-on-4® Implant Treatment is a game-changer in dentures. Traditional dentures are known for being uncomfortable, potentially embarrassing, and a huge life adjustment. We can change all of that. The All-on-4® Implant Treatment system permanently stabilizes your denture in place with the use of dental implants.
A dental implant is a very small screw. Most often, we use a titanium metal implant, though there are metal-free ceramic posts also available. Our team, including Dr. Imam, can surgically insert this post directly into your jawbone. For dentures, we use between four and six implants on each arch. As the bone heals, a natural process called osseointegration occurs. Osseointegration means taking it into the bone. Your tissue heals around the implant, integrating it into the bone, fusing the device and bone. Once fully healed, the implant is now a part of the bone and should be a solid, stable device. Your denture is permanently secured with the use of these implants.

Why should I stabilize my denture with Implants?
Stabilizing your denture is a bigger investment and requires a minimally invasive surgical procedure, so why would a patient want to get their denture stabilized with dental implants?
Dentures are not fun; in fact, they are a huge inconvenience. Dentures may offer some limited ability to chew, but they will never feel or function like your natural teeth. Patients find them frustrating and even painful. Traditional dentures are known to come loose, rock around on your gums, and become uncomfortable as the patient’s jaw bone changes from lack of teeth. Having your implant secured in place with dental implants changes all of that.
Implant-supported dentures will not shift or move in your mouth. They are the closest in feeling to your natural teeth. You can greatly maintain or even increase the range of food you can chew. Patients who have implant-supported dentures will feel considerably more comfortable and confident in their teeth versus patients with traditional loose dentures. This system is more than suction or adhesive. These are dentures that have been surgically secured to your jaw with metal posts.

Implants Provide Stability Even In Minimum Bone Volume
One of the essential parts of most implant surgeries is having an adequate bone to sink the implant into. Patients who are missing their teeth often lack bone. That is what makes the All-on-4® Implant Treatment different than other implant procedures. This system uses longer implants that are placed at a tilt to capture denser bone. The two implants are tilted in the back, and they are longer, so we can increase the bone-to-implant contact, reducing the need for bone grafting. This is ideal for patients who have decreased bone mass because the back (posterior) implants are tilted and can be inserted into the better quality bone, reducing any rocking in the denture and improving the support of the implant-supported denture.
All-on-4® Implant Treatment Surgical Procedure
Unlike other implant procedures, we should not have to perform a bone graft before surgery. However, we will want to review any health-related information, including all medications the patient is taking, even if it seems unrelated. How the patient heals is vital to the success of this procedure. Patients with medical problems do not eliminate as a candidate, in fact, this procedure has been approved for even medically delicate patients, but we may ask to make some adjustments to increase healing abilities.
The surgical procedure for placing implants is minimally invasive. We begin by ensuring the comfort of the patient. Most patients find that a local anesthetic is all that is necessary, though we can also provide a variety of conscious sedation options if necessary.
We begin using a specialized drill and make the needed space in the bone. The All-on-4® Implant Treatment system uses longer implants that are placed at an angle; this is done to reach the thicker, denser bone. The implants, along with the denture, are placed together, meaning the patient leaves with the denture fully stabilized in place.
Healing after Surgery
Healing after the surgical placement of your immediate loaded implants is similar to healing from other dental surgeries. You will experience discomfort for the first several days; we invite our patients to take all prescribed pain medication to reduce discomfort. Besides tissue healing, the patient will also be experiencing bone healing, which will take longer than tissue healing. We will advise the patient to take care of their bone healing process and to eat soft, gentle foods for several months while the bone heals. Additionally, we will want you to be aware of any indications of symptoms that are out of the ordinary, including excessive bleeding, swelling, or signs of infection. All of this information will be discussed in the office.
All-on-4® Implant Treatment Provides Prosthetic Flexibility
With the All-on-4® Implant Treatment, our patients benefit from having an immediate implant-supported denture screwed onto the implants right after surgery. Many implant procedures are done over the span of months but using immediate load dentures. You can come in with no teeth and leave with a mouthful of permanent, stable teeth.
Besides stabilizing a denture device, once the patient has stabilized implants, there are so many other prosthetic solutions that can be applied. From individual crowns to dental bridges, partials, and removable overdentures, implants open a whole realm of possibilities.
Increased Efficiency
The All-on-4® implant treatment allows us to streamline the time needed for dental implant treatment, giving you a smile you’ve always dreamed of in less time.